Local and State Governments, and Planning and Transportation firms and Organizations, and Foundations
- Actual Communities LLC
- Boston Public Health Commission (6/2011-9/2011; Interviews, Strategic Planning, Training)
- Stapleton Foundation (2010-2012; Completed two HIAs)
- AECOM Architecture and Planning firm (5/2010-10/2010; Subcontractor to conduct two HIAs for Denver Community Planning and Development)
- Mithun Architecture and Planning firm (2009-10; Subcontracted to complete HIA for Denver Housing Authority)
- New Century Transportation Foundation (2007, School Audits and workshops on Safe Routes to School)
- Florida Department of Health (2005, Two built environment and health trainings at FL Environmental Health Directors conference)
- Town of Basalt, CO, (2007, School Audits and workshop on Safe Routes to School)
- City of Glenwood Springs, (2007, School Audits and workshop on Safe Routes to School)
- Town of Aspen, CO, (2007, School Audits and workshop on Safe Routes to School)
- Town of Carbondale, CO, (2007, School Audits and workshop on Safe Routes to School)
Public Health, National, Universities, and Non Profit Organizations
National Environmental Health Association (2004-10; National surveys, focus groups, white papers on Environmental Public Health Tracking program, Built Environment and Health, Climate Change)
Civic Results, Livable Communities Support Center, Denver, CO (2004-09; Teamed up to conduct statewide technical assistance, trainings, develop resource guide funded by Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment; Also teamed up to conduct needs assessment, program development/strategic planning and evaluation for Jefferson County Health Department, CO in the City of Wheat Ridge funded by LiveWell CO.
National Conference of State Legislatures (2007; White paper on Environmental Public Health Tracking program)
National Association of County and City Health Officials (2003-2004; Strategic planning)
University of Colorado Denver (2007-08, Research for faculty on the Built Environment and Health)
International City/County Management Association (Strategic planning, proposal writing)
American Planning Association, Chicago (2006; Contributed articles for Planning Advisory Service Reports)
Michigan State University (2003; Presentation on Built Environment and Health)